What Issue is Your Top Priority?

What Issue is Your Top Priority?
Perry Johnson is spending a lot of money. Ironically, he is doing so while telling us that the government should not be spending a lot of money. 

Personally, I like to see an underdog succeed.  But an underdog needs to prioritize issues (as should all  canidates) in a way that I think they should be prioritized if you want my vote.  Perry Johnson is not doing that.   

Episode 4 of his Backstage video series starts off with a list of things he says are problems in the country: crime, inflation, parental rights, woke, borders, and debt.  But he says that the most serious problem is the debt.  I disagree.  It is a massive problem, but it is not the most serious of all our problems in this nation.  And in my view, it certainly should not be the President's top priority.

We have a significant moral problem in this nation and most everything else stems from that problem, including the debt. 

The field of candidates seems to get bigger every few days now.  As the field increases, a candidate is going to have to work harder to stand out from the crowd.  Johnson does have a very focused campaign and sometimes that helps it stand out.  He is also visiting a lot of people in Iowa, more than most all the other candidates. 

However, that is only part of the battle.  Will he make it to the debate stage when the debates start?  And if he does, how does he perform?

One thing is for sure.  As the field grows, the chances to reach that debate stage technically get harder.