Warning! Election Gets Explicit!

Warning!  Election Gets Explicit!
Most mailings never get highlighted by the media, but this time we have an exception. The media gave us a warning about a mailing that was going to warn us about what was inside the mailing.  Got that?  We are getting warnings about warnings now.  Here is the title from Fox News' article on this latest mailing. 

'Graphic materials' warning appears on DeSantis super PAC mailings to primary voters in Iowa, SC

Two days later, it arrives in our mailbox. 

Although it is a four page mailing, only two pages really have any information beyond the warnings.  If you only glance at the pages quickly, you may not notice much, but if you take just a couple more seconds to read some of the text in the images you will most likely get the context right away. 

Have we really come this far in our society that we need to talk about this in an election, let alone have this stuff in schools?  I need not talk about it more here.  If you really want to know more than what you can see in the images below, you can always read the Fox News article

This was the first mailing from the DeSantis super PAC we have received in almost a month.  After several attack ads from the Trump super PAC, I am guessing the DeSantis super PAC decided it needed to put something out there to help change the conversation.  So far, the Never Back Down super PAC has stayed clear of attack ads themselves.  In my opinion, that is a good strategy.  We'll see how long it lasts.