Conservative, China, and American Boots

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Ron DeSantis
Conservative, China, and American Boots
What should the candidates be telling us right now? They are making their last push before the first debate and what they say may have an impact on our opinions going into the debate. 

We've had four mailings supporting three candidates in the past three days.  And the topics are varied, yet predictable. 

The Best of America Super PAC is continuing to tell us that Doug Burgum is a conservative business leader. 

The SFA Fund Super PAC has continued their approach of telling us that Nikki Haley is the best candidate to fend off China's buying of farmland.

While the Never Back Down Inc Super PAC is telling us all about DeSantis and his red-blooded, hard-working  American spirit as he puts his work boots on to serve others. 

Visually, the two mailers supporting DeSantis stand out the most.  I also think they might be more affective than the other ones. 

I've never been a fan of someone telling me who they are.  I would rather you show me.  Burgum's mailings continue to fail in this aspect.  If you have to tell me you are conservative, then I question if you really are conservative. The word "Conservative" is just thrown around these days.  We can't trust it.  We need to see your actions instead. 

I am tired of the Chinese farmland talking point. We get it. The Haley Super PAC needs to move on to why she is different from the other candidates. 

The two DeSantis mailers will not gain any traction with Trump voters.  But I don't think much can sway a hardcore Trump voter anyway.  I think these are meant to show others a part of DeSantis some do not know or have not thought about.  And that is his military experience and the hard work to get through life. 

One aspect that stood out to me is the bolded line that says DeSantis is "The ONLY Presidential candidate to serve in the U.S. military."  I think many have been swayed by Hollywood in what a typical veteran looks or acts like and Ron DeSantis doesn't match that "look".  I think that might be one reason why these latest mailings from his Super PAC are focusing on that aspect of his life. 

Snail Mail Totals So Far
12 - Never Back Down, Inc. (Pro-DeSantis)
6 - Best of America PAC (Pro-Burgum)
5 - Opportunity Matters Fund, Inc. (Pro-Scott)
5 - Perry Johnson for President Inc.
4 - Make America Great Again (Pro-Trump / Anti-DeSantis)
3 - AFP Action (Anti-Trump)
3 - SFA Fund, Inc. (Pro-Haley)
1 - Doug Burgum for America