Timing the Attack

Timing the Attack
Timing is important, and the various candidates and Super PACs understand it very well. Driving home from work yesterday, we heard our first attack ad of this election season.  This seems early for an attack advertisement; but to make things more interesting, it was played on a South Dakota radio station.

Attack ads aren't usually pushed out until someone gets worried that an opponent may be doing better than their own candidate.  I missed the tag line at the end of the radio commercial for who paid for the ad, but in hind site, I am pretty sure it was the Make America Great Again Super PAC that is supporting Donald Trump. 

And who was their target?  Well, Ron DeSantis of course.  The timing makes sense, and the South Dakota radio station makes sense too.  Ron DeSantis was scheduled to visit an area of Iowa today, just across the border within the radio stations reach.  With this being rural Iowa, there wasn't a much better radio station they could have chosen.  Attack ads in Iowa have not worked in my opinion.  Maybe they work in other primary states, but the caucuses are different. 

Meanwhile, we received another two-sided, extra-large postcard from the Perry Johnson campaign today. 

I just don't understand the Johnson Campaign yet.  I personally believe the last several Presidential election cycles have proven that if you want to win in Iowa, you have to go out and meet people outside Des Moines.  And you have to do it in the very small towns.  Just look at who won Iowa in the last few caucuses: Cruz and Santorum.  Trump did some of it when he went up against Cruz 7 years ago, but not enough to pull it out.