Mail Designs Improving

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Nikki Haley
Mail Designs Improving
We received an onslaught of mail from four different Super PACs with designs that are starting to stand out better.

I complained some time ago about the boring designs and topics many of the Super PACs were sending out.  Since that time, the look and feel are somewhat improved.  Somewhat. 

Our latest mailings include postcards of varying sizes from the following: Never Back Down, Inc. (Pro-DeSantis), Best of America (Pro-Burgum), AFP Action (Anti-Trump), and SFA Fund, Inc. (Pro-Haley).  This brings us to our new totals for the campaign so far.

Snail Mail Totals So Far
15 - Never Back Down, Inc. (Pro-DeSantis)
7 - Best of America PAC (Pro-Burgum)
6 - AFP Action (Anti-Trump)
5 - Opportunity Matters Fund, Inc. (Pro-Scott)
5 - Perry Johnson for President Inc.
4 - Make America Great Again (Pro-Trump / Anti-DeSantis)
4 - SFA Fund, Inc. (Pro-Haley)
1 - Doug Burgum for America

Today, I want to go over each one.

Just looking at the covers, this latest batch is much better than the text crammed mailings we were getting most of last month. The AFP Action cover immediately catches your attention as does the the Never Back Down cover.

The backs of the postcards aren't as appealing, but they aren't horrible either.

Even though the SFA Fund mailing continues the China topic, they at least throw in a baseball theme to try to help break up the monotony that their mailings have become.  It could still use a lot of text trimming.  A LOT OF TEXT NEEDS REMOVED! The Nikki Haley campaign would do better visiting more rural communities and then send out mailings with less text to remind people of their points instead of these text heavy postcards. 

The Best of America PAC has kept the same basic design theme throughout their mailings.  And I must give them credit for keeping it clean and professional looking for the most part.  It's not always easy to do that when you are creating and sending out so many of these. 

But for me, the content is not catching my attention. 

I don't think the average Republican is looking for just a business leader.  Maybe a few decades ago that might have been more enticing.  But today, I think people want to see a leader that has experience fighting for our constitutional rights.  The country itself is at stake in all aspects, not just our national debt or high taxes.  Fiscal responsibility should be a given. Sure, many of our current congressional Republicans are failing at this. If all you are running on is fiscal responsibility, then I am not sure I trust you on the other issues.