Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley was the 29th United States Ambassador to the United Nations. She was born in Bamberg, South Carolina in 1972, and was one of 4 children. Haley ran for the South Carolina State House in 2004 against a 30-year incumbent Republican lawmaker in the primary and won. In 2010, Nikki Haley was elected the 116th governor of South Carolina. She was the youngest governor in the country and was re-elected in 2014. In 2016, President Donald Trump nominated Governor Haley to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. In that role, she also served as a member of the President’s Cabinet and on the National Security Council. Nikki married Michael Haley in 1996 after they had met at college. They have two children, Rena and Nalin. Nikki Haley suspended her campaign on March 6, 2024.
Nikki Haley
One Week Left

One Week Left

The mailman had to wade through seven inches of fresh snow to bring our latest supply of political postcards.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
The Home Stretch and My Vote Goes to...

The Home Stretch and My Vote Goes to...

I am voting for Ron DeSantis.

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The Debate and Voter Turnout Versus Poll Numbers

The Debate and Voter Turnout Versus Poll Numbers

I declare the winner of the fourth Republican debate to be News Nation.

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Iowa Campaign Ground Game

Iowa Campaign Ground Game

There were five candidates on the stage during the last debate, but how many are serious about winning Iowa?

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
A New Leader Emerges

A New Leader Emerges

The race to the top of the Snail Mail Championship has a new leader.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Where Did China Go?

Where Did China Go?

The suspension of the Larry Elder campaign marks the fifth candidate to drop out, leaving us with just 10 candidates.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Polling Media Awareness

Polling Media Awareness

Today I received a telephone poll that asked a lot of questions about my awareness of recent campaign ads.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Mail Designs Improving

Mail Designs Improving

We received an onslaught of mail from four different Super PACs with designs that are starting to stand out better.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
To Be Fair Or Not

To Be Fair Or Not

The Iowa State Fair is now underway and a couple candidates are sitting out the regular events.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Denied by the Pollsters

Denied by the Pollsters

I've been denied by the pollsters.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob