Trump Versus DeSantis

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Donald Trump
Trump Versus DeSantis
Over the past two weeks, the snail mail in Iowa has really changed. There has only been two candidates with mailings supporting or attacking them: Trump and DeSantis. No other candidate has had a mailing for or against them. 

The race in Iowa has really come down to just DeSantis and Trump.  I am sure we may get some more mailings from a couple of the other candidates over the next couple months.  Yet, unless something drastic happens, this race is right back where it started (and never really left in my opinion): a race between Trump and DeSantis. 

And when the race is between these two, I know exactly where my vote goes: DeSantis.

Trump's Presidency helped wake up a lot of people.  Both for the good and the bad though. 

Trump showed that you don't need to compromise on every issue.  He showed you don't need to be friends with the enemy.  He stood up where many before had not. 

But Trump failed in many ways too.  Although Roe v Wade was overturned, his appointments to the Supreme Court have been overall failures for true conservative/constitutional values.  He promised a lot of things and yet followed through on very few of them.  He failed to stop the debt from drastically increasing.   But the big one?  He failed at draining the swamp. 

Perhaps we can't blame him for many of these, as he, and many of us, may have been naive about how deep the liberal and socialist people were dug into the government.  But for a person who made a name for firing people, he didn't seem to fire very many people.  His approach to solve issues is what failed us on so many levels. 

True conservatives have wanted a fighter for a long time.  But we also want a statesman who truly believes what he is saying in his heart.  Trump's statements on abortion laws are just the latest example that he may like to fight, but the core of what he believes is not truly conservative. 

I believe DeSantis is not just willing to fight, but also believes in his heart in the things for which he is fighting.  Trump's personality has turned many good people away from him.  DeSantis is a fighter and a statesman at the same time. 

There are so many other reasons why I think one should support DeSantis over Trump in the upcoming caucuses, but honestly, my voicing them here isn't going to change any minds.  It will be personal conversations that will sway minds and each person that will actually show up at the caucuses will need to do a search of their own hearts and decide who is best for our country going forward. 

On a side note, I have decided to combine the MAGA and MAGA Action mailings into one group.  This (along with their latest mailing) puts the MAGA Super PAC into third place. 

Snail Mail Totals So Far in 2024
20 - Stand For America Fund, Inc. (Pro-Haley)
20 - Never Back Down, Inc. (Pro-DeSantis)
17 - Make America Great Again, Inc. (Anti-DeSantis / Pro-Trump)
12 - Best of America PAC (Pro-Burgum)
12 - AFP Action (Anti-Trump)
7 - Opportunity Matters Fund, Inc. (Pro-Scott)
5 - Perry Johnson for President Inc.
4 - Finish the Fight (Anti-Trump)
3 - And to the Republic (Anti-Trump)
2 - American Exceptionalism PAC (Pro-Ramaswamy)
2 - Vivek 2024
1 - Doug Burgum for America
1 - Donald J Trump for President 2024, Inc

On an additional note, we received two additional mailings (one a letter and the other a box of stuff with a letter) from the Never Back Down Super PAC.  I've added these into the totals above, but I have yet to figure out how I want to approach these two mailings.  They will most likely get their own article.