Donald Trump

Donald Trump was the 45th President of the United States. He was born in 1946 and currently lives in Florida.
Donald Trump
Iowa Caucus Debrief

Iowa Caucus Debrief

There is a lot to learn from the Iowa Caucuses beyond the final preference poll results.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Trump and Haley Tag Team DeSantis

Trump and Haley Tag Team DeSantis

Earlier in the campaign Trump attacked DeSantis and Haley touted her anti-China stances, but now Haley is attacking DeSantis and Trump is touting his anti-China stances.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Trump Versus DeSantis

Trump Versus DeSantis

Over the past two weeks, the snail mail in Iowa has really changed.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
The Issue of Statehood

The Issue of Statehood

Puerto Rico Statehood is the latest issue that the Trump Super PAC is trying to use against DeSantis.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Fewer Candidates Hurts Trump

Fewer Candidates Hurts Trump

Tim Scott surprised everyone Sunday night with an announcement that he was calling it quits.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
A Change in Priorities

A Change in Priorities

A lot has happened in the world since last week and the campaigns have lost the focus in the main news media.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
The Tool of Last Resort

The Tool of Last Resort

Something has clearly changed now that we are getting attack ads in numbers just about the same as regular ads.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Attacking and Praising Your Opponents

Attacking and Praising Your Opponents

Is the Trump campaign getting a little worried?

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Straight to the Trashcan?

Straight to the Trashcan?

I'm not sure I can take much more as I am nearing my limit on some of these mailings.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Pro-Trump Postcard Finds Our Mailbox

Pro-Trump Postcard Finds Our Mailbox

It has been about two-months since we last received a Pro-Trump mailing.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Inventory Time as AFP Strikes Again!

Inventory Time as AFP Strikes Again!

The Americans for Prosperity Action super PAC landed another anti-trump postcard in our mailbox today.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Do I Really Look This Old?

Do I Really Look This Old?

I think the Trump Super PAC is worried.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Attack Ads Continue With Liberal Influence

Attack Ads Continue With Liberal Influence

I thought we would get a break in the political mailings.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
A Targeted Attack That Misses

A Targeted Attack That Misses

Your Social Security and Medicare will be cut and the retirement age will increase to 70.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
The Attacks Begin

The Attacks Begin

The printed attack ads have begun.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob