Ryan Binkley

Ryan Binkley was born in 1967 in Georgia. He went to college in the state of Texas where he earned business related degrees in both his undergrad and master's schooling. Ryan Binkley is currently the President and CEO of Generational Group. Ryan is married and has five children. He suspended his campaign on February 27, 2024.
Ryan Binkley
The Final Count

The Final Count

Between the snow storm and election day actually being a federal holiday, a couple campaigns didn't schedule their mailings very well.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Woops, Wrong Caucus Location!

Woops, Wrong Caucus Location!

I assume it is just a database error in their mailing, but the latest Trump campaign postcard told us to go to the WRONG caucus location.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
It Is WINO Season

It Is WINO Season

I feel extra sorry for the mailmen every four years when Christmas and Politics collide.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob
Introducing Ryan Binkley

Introducing Ryan Binkley

Ryan Binkley made several stops in Northwest Iowa today, including our small town.

Curtis Jacob Curtis Jacob